Nonprofit Response Fund - Intake Form

In order for a fund to be listed on our Nonprofit & Community Resilience page, it must meet the following vetting criteria:

  • Must be an experienced grantmaking organization  
  • Must have an anti-discrimination clause in its grantmaking process (this can be on the website, mission statement, or in annual reporting language, etc.)
  • Must have: (a) experience working in the affected community; (b) have pre-existing relationships with organizations with experience working in the affected community; or  is planning to transfer all funds to a grantmaker with either (a) or (b) 
  • If community foundation, must be accredited with National Standard or be recommended by a trusted partner.
  • If the fund does not meet above guidelines, it must meet an otherwise unmet need.
If you are interested in submitting a fund, please complete this form. Our team will review, vet, and list the funds that meet our criteria. 

Fund Information